Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Church and Cultures: New Perspectives In Missiological Anthropology, Louis J. Luzbetak

"What one learns in early life tends to persist more than what is learned in later life. Certain sexual tendencies, speech habits, gestures and facial expressions, fear of black magic and wicked spirits, and fondness for certain foods--all of which are associated with early learning--are among the most difficult of habits to change. Voodoo persists for a variety of reasons, not least of all because it is associated with early life experiences. Health programs meet stiff opposition when new dietary habits are suggested because they go counter to the pleasant and satisfying childhood experiences associated with eating."

-from The Church and Cultures: New Perspectives in Missiological Anthropology, Louis J. Luzbetak.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Castrating Culture, Dewi Hughes

"As stated above, modernists expect ethnic diversity to diminish as nation states get bigger and bigger. The ultimate ideal is one universal nation state where everyone can enjoy the freedom to create and consume. It is at this point that the idea of humanity will be finally realized. This echo of Babel is a frightening thought in a world where human beings are not very good at handling power."

-from Castrating Culture, Dewi Hughes

(If anyone has a website for this author, please share in the comments. Supposedly he's the theological advisor to Tearfund, but I can't find hide or hair of him on their site. Oh well...)